The American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society (AOFAS) Fellowship Accreditation Program provides evaluation, review, and approval of AOFAS foot and ankle orthopaedic fellowship training programs. AOFAS accreditation is a prerequisite for participation
in the AOFAS-sponsored San Francisco Orthopaedic Surgery Match (SF Match). The AOFAS Fellowship Accreditation Subcommittee manages the program approval and review process for AOFAS.
The goal of this accreditation process is to promote and confirm high-quality post-residency fellowship training experience in foot and ankle orthopaedic surgery. This process is intended to ensure that all approved programs include a requisite level
of education, skills training, clinical exposure, and scholarly learning opportunities, as well as contain a number of training positions that is always appropriate for and consistent with these goals. Its primary objective is to support a quality
educational platform for training foot and ankle orthopaedic surgeons who will continue to advance care for all foot and ankle orthopaedic patients.