AOFAS is a dynamic community of more than 2,500 foot and ankle orthopaedic specialists from the US, Canada, and around the world. Its members are dedicated to advancing orthopaedic foot and ankle treatment and providing high-quality, ethical care for
patients. Membership applications are accepted throughout the year and dues are prorated.
AOFAS does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, or national origin, or on any basis that would constitute
illegal discrimination.
Application Forms
Download the appropriate application form (PDF format) below. Before you submit an application, please review the membership categories to
determine the membership level that fits your needs and career goals.
Active Member
Candidate Member
Associate Member
International Member
Surgeon in Training Member
International Surgeon in Training Member
Allied Health/Associate - Basic Sciences Member
MD Affiliate Member
Student Affiliate
Your application and all required elements must be submitted to AOFAS via email or mail. Upon receipt of all application requirements, your documents will be reviewed by the AOFAS Membership Committee and then your name will be presented for final
approval to the Board of Directors. You will be notified when your membership has been approved.
Terms of Membership
Membership is considered "current" when annual dues are paid. Non-payment of dues by March 15 will result in suspension of all member privileges pending full payment. Members who have not paid dues by June 1 will be dropped from membership. Reinstatement
will require a new application and fee payment.
For Active, Candidate, and International Members: Through the "Find a Surgeon" search at and, members of the public seeking a foot and ankle orthopaedic surgeon can access your practice/facility name, work address, telephone number, and website (if provided in your Member
Profile). You may opt out of this membership benefit upon request.
Member List Rental Disclosure
AOFAS occasionally rents its member work postal mail address listing to providers of medical products and services that may be of interest to members. Each request is considered individually for appropriateness. List rental provides income for Society
operations. AOFAS does not share email addresses or phone numbers.