Research & Policy

Scientific Journals


AOFAS scientific journals offer peer-reviewed, clinically relevant research articles and case reviews, enabling foot and ankle specialists to stay at the forefront of new surgical techniques and trends. AOFAS members receive print subscriptions and online access to Foot & Ankle International® as well as discounted article processing charges for Foot & Ankle Orthopaedics® as benefits of membership.

Foot & Ankle International® (FAI)


Foot & Ankle International

The official journal of AOFAS, FAI emphasizes surgical and medical management as well as basic clinical research related to foot and ankle problems. The monthly journal publishes the broadest spectrum and highest quality of foot and ankle research in the US and abroad. The journal is under the direction of Editor-in-Chief Charles L. Saltzman, MD.

Access FAI Online

  • Individual FAI Subscribers (nonmembers): Click here to log into the FAI site.

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Foot & Ankle Orthopaedics® (FAO)



FAO is the open access scholarly journal of AOFAS, offering original peer-reviewed articles including clinical and basic science research, meta-analyses, systematic and topical reviews, case reviews, hot topics, research designs, and technique tips. The journal is under the direction of Editor-in-Chief Charles L. Saltzman, MD.

Read FAO Online

Open Access
FAO is an open access, peer-reviewed journal. Articles accepted by peer review are published under a Creative Commons license, made freely available online immediately upon publication, and hosted online in perpetuity.

Manuscript Submissions

Submit your manuscript to FAO. There is no fee to submit. If your manuscript is accepted for publication, you will be invoiced for a one-time article processing charge (APC). The APC covers the cost of publication and ensures that your article will be freely available online in perpetuity under a Creative Commons license.

Article processing charge:

  • AOFAS members and articles cascaded from FAI: $800

  • Direct submissions from nonmembers: $1,200

Engage with FAI/FAO

The FAI free monthly podcast features insightful discussions between Editor-in-Chief Charles L. Saltzman, MD, and article authors.

Select FAI and FAO articles are accompanied by surgical technique videos to enhance understanding of operative techniques.

FAI CME Exams offer scored and recorded self-assessment credits with up to 10 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ per exam. Exams are based on articles from past volume years of FAI.

Follow the AOFAS Journals on Twitter and LinkedIn for article updates, videos, podcasts, and more from FAI and FAO.

Submit your scientific research for publication through the FAI submission site and FAO submission site. Enhance your submission with a visual abstract and/or social media post.

Interested in reviewing for the flagship journals of the AOFAS? Email for more information.
Current Reviewers: Update your areas of expertise keywords for more opportunities to review manuscripts that align with your interests. Earn FAI/FAO Reviewer CME for successfully completing journal reviews.

Editorial Questions

Contact Shera Palmer Cook, FAI/FAO Managing Editor, at,, or 847-430-5086.

FAI/FAO Editorial Board

Charles L. Saltzman, MD


Associate Editors
John T. Campbell, MD, Senior Editor
Robert A. Vander Griend, MD, Senior Editor
Robert B. Anderson, MD
Brad D. Blankenhorn, MD
Thomas O. Clanton, MD
Timothy R. Daniels, MD, FRCSC
George B. Holmes Jr., MD
Ellie Pinsker, PhD
Stefan Rammelt, MD, PhD


Specialty Content Editors
Mark E. Easley, MD, Podcast Editor
Gregory P. Guyton, MD, Video Editor
Jonathon D. Backus, MD
Jason T. Bariteau, MD
Daniel D. Bohl, MD, MPH
Laura Certain, MD, PhD
Julia Crim, MD
Graham J. DeKeyser, MD
Constantine A. Demetracopolous, MD
Sarah Ettinger, MD
T. Wade Fallin, MS
Ward Glasoe, PhD, PT
Jessica E. Goetz, PhD
Daniel Guss, MD, MBA
Thomas G. Harris, MD
Pooya Hosseinzadeh, MD
Raymond Y. Hsu, MD
Casey J. Humbyrd, MD, MBE
A. Holly Johnson, MD
Michael J. Jurynec, PhD
Meghan Kelly, MD, PhD
William R. Ledoux, PhD
Amy L. Lenz, PhD
Michael S. Pinzur, MD
Anthony I. Riccio, MD
Anthony Sakellariou, BSc, MBBS, FRCS(Orth)
Oliver N. Schipper, MD
Sorin Siegler, PhD
Richard Sloane, MS, MPH
Jeff D. Swenson, MD
H. Thomas Temple, MD
Lizzy Weigelt, MD


Contemporary Review Editors
Christopher P. Chiodo, MD, Senior Editor
Elizabeth A. Cody, MD, Assistant Editor
Christopher E. Gross, MD, Assistant Editor

International Editors
Alessio Bernasconi, MD, PhD, FEBOT

Arne Burssens, MD, PhD

Andrew J. Goldberg, MD, MBBS, FRCS(Tr&Orth)
United Kingdom

Beat Hintermann, MD

Francois Lintz, MD, PhD

Marius Molund, MD, PhD

Dawson Charles Muir, MBChB, FRACS(Orth)
New Zealand

Christopher J. Pearce, MBChB, FRCS(Tr&Orth), MFSEM(UK)

Manuel J. Pellegrini, MD

Chamnanni Rungprai, MD

Kelly C. Stéfani, MD, PhD

Sjoerd A. Stufkens, MD, PhD
The Netherlands

Panos Symeonidis, MD, PhD

Yuki Tochigi, MD, PhD

Federico G. Usuelli, MD

Alastair S.E. Younger, MBChB, ChM, FRCSC


Electronic Media Editorial Board
Glenn G. Shi, MD, Chair
Shannon F. Alejandro, MD
Adam D. Bitterman, DO
Lauren E. Geaney, MD
Arianna L. Gianakos, DO
Thomas A. McDonald, MD

FAI/FAO Reviewers

Click on the links below to view the list of reviewers for each journal.

Foot & Ankle International Reviewers

Foot & Ankle Orthopaedics Reviewers

FAI/FAO Managerial Board

Harold B. Kitaoka, MD, Chair
Elizabeth A. Cody, MD
Bruce E. Cohen, MD
Scott J. Ellis, MD
James R. Holmes, MD
John Y. Kwon, MD
Bruce J. Sangeorzan, MD
Charles L. Saltzman, MD, FAI/FAO Editor-in-Chief (ex-officio)
E. Greer Richardson, MD, Past FAI Editor-in-Chief (ex-officio)
David B. Thordarson, MD, Past FAI Editor-in-Chief (ex-officio)

Managing Editor
Shera Palmer Cook, MA