Award Recipients
Semi-Automated 3D Distance Mapping of Conventional Non-Weightbearing CT Scan with External Rotation Stress Demonstrates High Diagnostic Accuracy for Subtle Syndesmotic Instability
Aaron Therien, BS; Grayson Talaski; Emily Luo, BS; Kevin Wu, BS; Katherine Kutzer, BS; Kepler Carvalho, MD; Kevin Dibbern, PhD; Cesar de Cesar Netto, MD, PhD; Joao Carlos Rodrigues, MD PhD; Alexandre Godoy-Santos, MD, PhD
Data Censoring Likely Biased the Largest Randomized Trial of Achilles Tendon Rupture Treatment Against Surgery: A Monte Carlo Analysis
Gregory P. Guyton, MD; Mitchell Tarka, MD
Passive Eversion Assessment for Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity After Lateral Column Lengthening: A Cadaveric Biomechanical Study
Jaeyoung Kim, MD; Jeffrey W. Hoffman, MS; Scott J. Ellis, MD; Jonathan T. Deland, MD; Brett D. Steineman
Vancomycin Topically Applied at the Surgical Site Does Not Impair Diabetic Fracture Healing and Dose-Dependently Inhibits Calcified Tissue Formation by Osteoblast Precursors Cells
Alexis Hernandez, MS; Ohidur Rahman, BS; Yazan Kadkoy, MS; Katherine L. Lauritsen, BS; Alexandra Sanchez, BA; Kevin Innella, DO; Anthony Lin, BA; J. Patrick O'Connor, PhD; Joseph Benevenia, MD; David Paglia, PhD; Sheldon S. Lin, MD;
Jessica A. Cottrell, PhD
Inhibition of HMGB1 by Metformin Prevents Mechanical Overloading-Induced Tendinopathy
Jianying Zhang, PhD; Feng Li, MD, PhD; Daibang Nie, PhD; Kentaro Onishi, DO; MaCalus V. Hogan, MD, MBA; James H. Wang, PhD
A Novel Intraoperative Technique Seeding
Morselized Bone Tissue into Pediatric Blood
Culture Bottles Improves Microbiological
Diagnosis in Patients with Foot and Ankle
Gerardo Ledermann; Ianiv Klaber; Julio Urrutia; Pablo Mery Ponce, MD
Impact of Vancomycin Treatment on
Human Mesenchymal Stromal Cells During
Osteogenic Differentiation
Jason Bariteau, MD; Rishin Kadakia, MD; Brian Traub, MD; Nick Willett, PhD
Synovial Fluid Composition of Inflammatory Cytokines, Matrix Metalloproteinases, and Cartilage Breakdown Products Are Dependent on Time After Intra-Articular Ankle Fracture
Samuel B. Adams Jr., MD; Rachel Reilly, MD; Janet L. Huebner,
MSc, Virginia B. Kraus, MD, PhD; Dana L. Nettles, PhD
Can Initial PROMIS Scores Predict Outcome for Foot and Ankle Patients?
Bryant Ho, MD; Jeff Houck, PT, PhD; Adolph Flemister, MD; John Ketz, MD; Benedict DiGiovanni, MD; Irvin Oh, MD; Judith Baumhauer, MD, MPH, MS
Cytokines and Matrix Metalloproteinases in the Synovial Fluid After Intra-Articular Ankle Fracture
Samuel Adams Jr., MD; Lori Setton, PhD; Richard Bell, BS; Mark Easley, MD; Janet Huebner, MS; Thomas Stabler, MS; Virginia Kraus, MD, PhD;
Elizabeth Leimer, BS; Steven Olson, MD; Dana Nettles, PhD
Correlation of Postoperative Midfoot Position with Patient Outcomes Following Reconstruction of the Stage II Adult Acquired Flatfoot Deformity
Matthew S. Conti, BA; Jeremy Y. Chan, BS; Huong T. Do, MA; Scott J. Ellis, MD; Jonathan
T. Deland, MD
Successful Achilles Tendon Regeneration using a Bioresorbable Nanofiber Scaffold, Stem Cells, and Growth Factor in a Rat Tendon Gap Defect Model
MaCalus V. Hogan, MD; Roshan James, PhD; Gary Balian, PhD; Cato T. Laurencin, MD, PhD;
A. Bobby Chhabra, MD
A New Research Paradigm for Patient-Reported Outcomes Assessment in Foot and Ankle Research: Computerized Adaptive Testing
Charles L. Saltzman, MD; Man Hung, PhD; Florian Nickisch, MD; Timothy C. Beals, MD; Daniel O. Clegg, MD; Tom
H. Green, PhD
Changes in Gait Mechanics Two Years Following Total Ankle Replacement
Robin M. Queen, PhD; Justin De Biasio, BA; Robert J. Butler, DPT, PhD; James K. DeOrio, MD; Mark E. Easley, MD; James A. Nunley, MD
Ligament Balancing for Total Ankle Arthroplasty, An In Vitro Evaluation of the Elongation of the Hind and Midfoot Ligaments
Marc Merian, MD; Louis Defrate, PhD; Richard Glisson, MS; James Nunley, MD
Intraoperative Pedography Leads to Improved Clinical Outcome Scores in a Randomized Controlled Trial
Martinus Richter, MD; Stefan Zech, MD
Effect of Extracorporeal
Shock Wave Therapy on Cultured Tenocytes
Seung Hwan Han, MD; Jin Woo Lee, MD; V.S. Sinkov, MD; Gregory Guyton, MD; Brent Parks, MS; Jean Paul Courneya, BS; Lew C. Schon, MD
Contribution of the Flexor Hallucis Longus to Loading
of the First Metatarsal and First Metatarsophalangeal Joint
James D. Michelson, MD; Yatin M. Kirane, MBBS, MS; Neil A. Sharkey, PhD
Total Ankle Replacement in Ankle Osteoarthritis: An Analysis of Muscle Rehabilitation
Victor Valderrabano, MD, PhD; Benno M. Nigg, MD; Vinzenz von Tscharner, MD; Cyril B. Frank, MD; Beat Hintermann, MD
Chondrocyte Viability After Intra-Articular Calcaneus Fractures in Humans
Michael Brage, MD; Scott Taber Ball, MD; Kyle Jadin, MD; Robert Allen, MD; Alexandra Schwartz, MD; Robert Sah, MD
Cytokine Induced Osteoclastic Bone Resorption in Charcot Arthropathy: An Immunohistochemical Study
Judith F. Baumhauer, MD; Regis J. O'Keefe, MD; Lew C. Schon, MD; Michael S. Pinzur, MD
Identification of Potential Donor Rotational Bone Grafts using Vascular Territories in the Foot and Ankle
James A. Nunley, MD
Surgical Approach for Centrolateral Talar Osteochondral Lesions
with an Anterolateral Osteotomy
Yuki Tochigi, MD; Annuziato Amendola, MD; Dawson Muir, MD, MBBCh, FRACS (Ortho); Charles Saltzman, MD
The Effects of Tibial Malrotation on the Biomechanics of the Tibiotalar Joint
Maj. Steven J. Svoboda, MD; Kathleen McHale, MD; Stephen M. Belkoff, PhD; Kathryn S. Cohen; LTC William R. Klemme
The Effects of Adult Acquired Flatfoot Deformity on Tibiotalar Joint Contact Characteristics
Michael E. Brage, MD; Mark A. Friedman, MD; Louis F. Draganich, PhD; Brian Toolan, MD