Annual Meeting

IFFAS Award for Excellence


The International Federation of Foot & Ankle Societies (IFFAS) Award for Excellence is given in recognition of the outstanding international paper presented at the AOFAS Annual Meeting. Nominated studies are selected by the Program Committee from blinded abstracts submitted for consideration for the scientific program. The award is presented to the senior author and includes a framed certificate and monetary award. 

Award Recipients


Minimally Invasive Chevron and Akin Hallux Valgus Surgery: A Prospective Observational Study with Mean 6.5-Year Follow-Up
Oliver Townsend, BSc(Hons), MBBS, MRCS; Niall Hill; Adam Reaney, BSc(Hons), MRCPod, LLCM, ARSM; Togay Koç, MBBS, MSc, FRCS(Tr&Orth); Thomas Lewis, BSc(Hons), MBChB(Hons), FRCS, MFSTEd; David Gordon, MBChB, MRCS, MD, FRCS(Tr&Orth)


Percutaneous versus Open Distal Chevron Osteotomy for the Treatment of Hallux Valgus: A Prospective Randomized Study
Gi-Won Choi, MD; Hangseob Yoon, MD; Kwang Hwan Park, MD, PhD; Joon Jo, MD; Moses Lee, MD; Jin Woo Lee, MD, PhD; and Hak Jun Kim, MD, PhD


Minimally Invasive Chevron-Akin for Correction of Moderate and Severe Hallux Valgus Deformities
Kepler Carvalho, MD; Andre D. Baptista, MD; Samai Ferrarezi; Gustavo A. Nunes, MD; Nacime S.B. Mansur, MD; Cesar de Cesar Netto, MD, PhD; A. Holly Johnson, MD; Miki Dalmau-Pastor, PhD


Weightbearing Radiographs Reliably Predict Normal Ankle Congruence in Weber B/SER2 and 4a Fractures: A Prospective Case-Control Study
Martin G. Gregersen, PT; Marius Molund, PhD


Outcomes and Complications of Open versus Posterior Arthroscopic Subtalar Arthrodesis: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Multicenter Study
Chamnanni Rungprai, MD; Aekachai Jaroenarpornwatana, MD; Yantarat Sripanich, MD; Nusorn Chaiprom, MD


Peri-Prosthetic Cysts and Alignment in Total Ankle Replacement: A 3D, Weight Bearing Topographical Study
Francois Lintz, MD, FEBOT; Jef Mast, MD; Nazim Mehdi, MD; Alessio Bernasconi, MD; Cesar de Cesar Netto, MD, PhD; Celine Fernando, MSc, PhD; Kristian Buedts, MD


Influence of Tibial Component Position on Altered Kinematics Following Total Ankle Arthroplasty During Simulated Gait
Guilherme Saito, MD; Daniel Sturnick, MS; Jonathan Deland, MD; Scott Ellis, MD; Constantine Demetracopoulos, MD


Two-year PROMs in Total Ankle Replacement for Osteoarthritis Following Pilon Fracture: Are They Comparable to Those for Other Indications for Total Ankle Replacement?
Adam Bennett, BSc(Hons), MBBCh, MRCS; Malik Siddique, FRCS(Tr&Orth); Jayasree Ramaskandhan, MSc


Peroneal Tendon Repairs: Can Tenodesis or Allograft Reconstruction Restore Physiologic Loading of the Peroneus Brevis and Peroneus Longus Tendons?
Manuel Pellegrini, MD; Richard Glisson; Takumi Matsumoto, MD, PhD; Adam Schiff, MD; Lior Laver, MD; Mark Easley, MD; James Nunley, MD


Radiographic Severity of Arthritis Predicts Functional Outcome in Total Ankle Replacement
Simon Chambers, FRCS(Tr&Orth); Jayasree Ramaskandhan, MSc; Malik Siddique, FRCS(Tr&Orth)


The 2014 AOFAS Annual Meeting was held in conjunction with the 2014 IFFAS Meeting. IFFAS presented their own awards at the meeting in place of the Award for Excellence.

Takakura Prize for Best Clinical Paper

Patient Expectation and Satisfaction as Measures of Surgical Outcome in End-Stage Ankle Arthritis: A Prospective Cohort Study of Ankle Joint Replacement versus Ankle Fusion
Alastair S.E. Younger, MBChB, ChM; Timothy R. Daniels, MD; Mark A. Glazebrook, MD, MSc, PhD; Murray J. Penner, MD; Kevin J. Wing, MD; Hubert Wong, PhD; Peter Dryden, MD; Karl A. Lalonde, MD

President's Prize for Best Research Paper

Correlation Between Static Radiographic Measurements and Inter-segmental Angles Measurements During Gait Using a Multi-segment Foot Model with a 15 Marker Set
Sang Gyo Seo, MD; Ji-Beom Kim, MD; Sung Ju Kim, MS; Ji Hyung Kim, MD; Kyoung Min Lee, MD; Chin Youb Chung, MD; In Ho Choi, MD; Dong Yeon Lee, MD, PhD


Ankle Joint Pressure Changes in a Pes Cavovarus Model: Supramalleolar Valgus Osteotomy Versus Lateralizing Calcaneal Osteotomy
Timo Schmid, MD; Sebastian Zurbriggen; Ivan Zderic; Boyko Gueorguiev; Martin Weber, MD; Fabian G. Krause, MD


The Effect of Lower Limb Cast Immobilisation on Calf Pump Function: A Simple Strategy of Exercise Can Maintain Flow
Ben A. Hickey, BM, MRCS; Amy Claire Morgan, MBBCh, MRCS; Neil Pugh, PhD; Anthony Perera, MBChB, MRCS, MFSEM


Total Ankle Replacement in Obese Patients: Functional Outcome, Weight Change, and Component Stability in 118 Consecutive Patients
Alexej Barg, MD; Markus Knupp, MD; Andrew Anderson, PhD; Beat Hintermann, MD


Ankle Joint Pressure in Pes Cavovarus After Common Hindfoot Osteotomies
Fabian Krause, MD; Damian Sutter; Markus Windolf; Dirk Whanert; Karsten Scheieger; Martin Weber, MD

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