Access orthopaedic foot and ankle education from your home, office, or on the go through the AOFAS online learning resources.

Your ONE source for foot and ankle education! Earn CME, watch archived webinars and recordings from AOFAS meetings, listen to podcasts, and more.
Foot & Ankle Focus virtual courses take an in-depth look at challenging clinical and practice management issues facing foot and ankle orthopaedic surgeons. Registration is complimentary for AOFAS members and orthopaedic residents and fellows.
This interactive book/journal club discussion examines healthcare inequities as well as diversity and inclusion issues for the profession.
Bring your toughest cases and questions to this monthly live, online event featuring respected leaders in the orthopaedic foot and ankle community. Events are open exclusively to AOFAS members.
AOFAS members and Foot & Ankle International subscribers can earn up to 20 hours of AMA PRA
Category 1 Credit™ and scored and recorded MOC credit with FAI CME exams. Multiple-choice exams based on the two most recent volume years are available.